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Artists Busting Abortion Stigma Fellowship

Our worlds are shaped by the stories that surround us, and our abortions are impacted by these frames and details. Narratives around abortion that are stigmatizing can cloud up our worlds by restricting access, care, and support.They create systems that deny health and care for all, both in fully legal and restricted abortion settings, especially impacting queer, disabled, poor, black, dalit and migrant people.

Stigma - busting narratives, on the other hand, that call for a world where everyone can have the abortions they wish to, in a dignified manner, can precipitate radical change that is rooted in our divine right to our bodily autonomy, to liberation.

Aligned with our goal of shifting power & narratives and resourcing the communities powering the reproductive justice movement, inroads launched the Artists Busting Abortion Stigma fellowship to support and advance the work of inroads members using their diverse artistic talents to create stigma-busting narratives able to shift the conversation to build a happier, healthier and more just world free of abortion stigma.

Introducing the 2022 Artists Busting Abortion Stigma fellows

Fellowship Experience

About the Project

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